WordPress Plug-Ins For Richer Content Management System

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W. Raymond

Digital Marketing

WordPress Plug-Ins For Richer Content Management System

Websites have evolved from being boring, formal and bland to highly interactive and feature rich. The major reason for this is requirements from websites increased and then came the book of Web 2.0. So from being just a one way informative tool a website became a highly engaging two way interactive interface. It not only became two way, but also evolved in to feature rich experience for the user. The change can be attributed to the influence of great number of people who develop open source platforms. When it comes to open source platforms, the first thing that comes to mind is WordPress.

Now let us see in what ways WordPress can help a new marketers. It comes without saying that the better the experience you give to your visitor, better will be the returns. Not only the user experience WordPress offers better SEO (Search Engine Optimization), good flexibility in terms of themes, placing of advertisements and a lot more. Above all the biggest strength of wordpress is the available list of plugins.

You can literally implement any feature that you want in to your website through plugins. You need not do pages of coding to get the feature that you want to be implemented in your site. Once you have your Domain Name and Web Hosting, you can install wordpress on your domain just through a mouse click, and you can add a lot of features through just clicking a few icons in your wordpress dashboard. It is amazingly user friendly. From being a highly technical job, now getting the right features for your website has become a just a matter of clicks.

This one click install of wordpress doesn’t mean that it is less powerful. You can literally do anything that you need your website to do by itself through plugins. This is the reason why today most of the web designers and content providers prefer wordpress over other platforms. Internet Marketers are loving wordpress, because they need not depend on coders anymore, and can save a fortune in doing things themselves. They also can install a custom made theme that is suitable for their niche.

Even people with coding knowledge love wordpress because wordpress gives access to the source code and anyone can play around with the functionality or develop additional features in the form of plugins. If you are an internet Marketer there are few plugins that are absolutely necessary for a successful website Cat Ninja Pro. The best part is most of these plugins are free, all you need to do is download and activate through the dashboard.

Some of the Plugins that an Internet Marketer should Look in to:

Contact Form 7

This plugin is needed as google these days are stressing on a privacy page and a contact form page. This plugin can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Display a list of related entries on your site and feeds based on a unique algorithm. Templating allows customization of the display.

See Also:  3 Amazingly Simple Ways To Keep Visitors On Your Blog Longer

Advertising Manager

Easily place Google Adsense and other ads on your WordPress blog. Simple to use, with powerful management and optimisation features.

All in One SEO Pack

Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization).

Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines to better index your blog.

Share and Follow

Add Share Icons, Follow Links, Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet and other buttons on your site in the way you want. Simple & adapatable social network

You can add quite a few widgets in the side bar to make you site more attractive and feature rich. WordPress is truly a dream come true for a lot of internet marketers. If you leverage the power of wordpress then you will easily succeed in internet marketing.


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